To my Family and Friends,
I’m raising money in support of Baycrest by participating in the 2025 Mattamy Homes Bike For Brain Health. I have been honoured to do this ride for several years.
I am thankful for your generosity in the past toward this charity.
I have a team"Diamonds-may all sparkle for a lifetime"and I am thrilled that it keeps growing. I invite you to train and join for either 25 km or 50 km.
My 93 year old father was lucky to have been a candidate for a study at the Rotman Research Institue at Baycrest a cutting edge advanced research institute to defeat dementia. He is doing well for his age and his condition.
In 2020, an estimated 564,000 Canadians were living with dementia. By 2031, that number is projected to climb to 937,000 Canadians living with dementia without intervention.
By choosing Baycrest as one of your charities this year you are helping to make a difference. Baycrest's cutting edge research and knowledge sharing is improving brain health for everyone.
Thank you once again for considering to donate!!
Alyssa Berman
3 Donations
6 Donations
12 Donations
18 Donations
Fearless Fundraiser
50% Goal achieved
75% Goal achieved
100% Goal achieved
150% Goal achieved
200% Goal achieved
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