I’m proud to be raising money in support of Baycrest by participating in the 2025 Mattamy Homes Bike For Brain Health. I will ride 75km in memory of my mother Joyce. This is my first year doing this ride, but when my travel schedule had me in Toronto the night before the ride, AND the opprtunity to ride with my brother David (who has been doing this ride for years) it was, pardon the pun "a no brainer'. Dementia effects not only the patient, but the loved ones around them, as we are left to watch as they slip away from us. Raising awareness and money for this important research will make a difference, with your help.
More than 770,000 Canadians are living with dementia. By 2031, that number is projected to climb to over a million Canadians living with dementia without intervention. By making a donation, you are helping to make a difference the critical work Baycrest is leading in dementia research, innovation, care and education globally.
Appreciate your support.
3 Donations
6 Donations
12 Donations
18 Donations
Fearless Fundraiser
50% Goal achieved
75% Goal achieved
100% Goal achieved
150% Goal achieved
200% Goal achieved
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