I'm riding for my Papa, Ken Wiles for my step-dad, Dan Monteith and for the people and family members that surrounded them in their decline.
Dementia is something that I'm quite honestly terrified of. Suffering from the disease is a terrible thing and the strain it puts on families is something that I'd never wish for anybody.
So I'm back here riding for my 4th Bike for Brain Health. I'm riding for research and treatment. My hope is to exceed last years success and exceed $2,500 in funds raised for this great cause.
Please consider supporting and maybe even participating in the ride this year.
Any support is greatly appreciated,
3 Donations
6 Donations
12 Donations
18 Donations
Fearless Fundraiser
50% Goal achieved
75% Goal achieved
100% Goal achieved
150% Goal achieved
200% Goal achieved
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